Cash money girls are really pretty mistresses that always take charge in a situation that involves money. They are going to make their slaves get out their wallets, because all of the cash girls have bills that need to be paid. These girls are also great at humiliation in making their slaves feel like total losers and pigs in the mud. Their main goal is to get paid no matter what.
When she goes to work she does not do a normal day ever. She is used to domination and using her sexy looks to get exactly what she wants. Her slaves are all used to it and they know that they are going to give her all of the financial resources that she wants, and they will never question a single thing. She always gets all of her bills paid and then some.
A very pretty mistress named Amy is going to make sure that she wears her corset extra tight for today's brutal torture of her loser slave. She is used to financial domination and she takes great pride in making sure that her slave knows that he will worship and maintain her very lovely lifestyle to the fullest. She will also take his credit cards and max each one of them out in front of him.
When the Queen of mean gets ready to have a cigarette, she is going to make her slave eat up all of the ashes off the ground from her cigarette. She could care less if he feels the a total loser and ridiculous for being on the ground cleaning up all of the trash on the floor. She is even going to smash food into the floor and make her slave clean it up.
There is nothing sexier than a really pretty lady with black high heels on and knee-high pantyhose that go all the way up to her sexy thigh. Not only is she smoking hot but she also is into domination and she loves to make her slaves to feel like total losers. This pretty lady is going to make a slate become her pay pig and she will make him beg.
Lady Milena is a gorgeous mistress. And she's always in charge. Her paypigs like her for that. The fact that she's in control and she controls even their lives and their finances, some of which she takes
Princess Jenny has an expensive lifestyle. And it has to be financed from somewhere. So she looks gorgeous for her paypigs and lets them feast and masturbate using her gorgeous body and in turn they maintain her lifestyle
This mistress is greedy and wants to make a lot of money. She's pretty and as a result attracts a lot of paypigs whom she seduced and hypnotized and used their credit cards to finance her lifestyle
Herrin Amy sits down with her paypig and discusses his financial plans for the coming month now that he brought his paycheck. She tells him what to spend on and what to drop and the remainder goes into both their savings accounts
Goddess Kim is a gorgeous lady who attracts lots of paypigs. She knows how to handle them and this makes them submit financially to her. She tells them what to do with their money and they appreciate it by sending her lots of it